
Tuesday 1 January 2013

Young achievers: Dr Rajeev Trehan - three complicated surgeries in one go

Dr Rajeev Trehan, cardio-thoracic surgeon

By Syed Akbar

This young heart surgeon created a record of sorts when he performed a complex surgery
involving three procedures in one go – coronary artery bypass graft, mitral valve
replacement and left ventricle reconstruction. It was a challenging task as the patient
is 65 year old.

Dr Rajeev Trehan, who made Hyderabad his second home in 2007, did not take chances when
the patient was admitted to Apollo DRDO Hospital, Hyderabad, in August with severe
breathlessness and sweating. The patient could neither lie down on bed nor walk due to
heart failure.

Thirty-nine year old Dr Trehan treated the patient for all three lesions of the heart.
For the patient to recover, all this had to be done in one go, which was extremely risky.
“It was a big challenge. I did not do such a complex surgery before, but I went ahead
with the procedure to save the patient,” he recalls. Trehan conducted double surgical
procedures – bypass surgery and left ventricular repair – five times earlier.

“Many doctors do not risk taking complex cases fearing high mortality rate. Life and
death are in the hands of the Almighty. As a doctor I do my best to save critically ill
patients,” he points out.

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