
Tuesday 1 January 2013

All about chemical castration and its effectiveness

What is chemical castration

By Syed Akbar

* Chemical castration is nothing but injecting female hormones into
the male body in high doses to inhibit the action of male hormone
androgen. Five per cent of women, who practice contraception, take
this drug.

* Drug compliance is difficult, as it has to be given once in every
three months throughout the life. The action of the drug is reversible.

* Many developed countries have burnt their hands after trying
chemical castration due to clamour of human rights activists.
Throughout the world, it is an option given to the convict in rape
cases so that they could get a reduced punishment.

* Earlier, diethylstilboestrol was used in chemical castration. It was
disallowed as the man turns more feminine in appearance and behaviour.

* Contraindicated for heart patients

* The drug results in loss of facial hair, growth of breasts, weak
bones and increase the risk of heart attack

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