
Friday 21 September 2012

First Indian study on Single shot Viscosupplementation establishes it as effective treatment for knee-osteoarthritis

By Syed Akbar

Hyderabad: Signaling relief to over 15 million knee-osteoarthritis patients in India, the world’s first study “Osteoarthritis Synvisc One Indian Post Marketing Study” (OASIS) has revealed positive results on the impact of single-shot Viscosupplementation therapy in reducing knee pain in osteoarthritis patients.

The first of its kind OASIS findings are especially significant for Indians who have a propensity to suffer from arthritis due to our genetic makeup.

Knee-osteoarthritis is a condition in which the cartilage that acts as a cushion between bones, in joints, begins to wear out. This results in inflammation and pain in joints, thereby restricting movement.  Till a few years ago, it only impacted the older population but a growing reverse trend has resulted in more and more young people being diagnosed with this condition.

Viscosupplementation is a path-breaking treatment that uses a biological substance to lubricate and cushion the diseased knee joint enabling easy movement and increased flexibility.  The OASIS findings prove that single-shot Viscosupplementation therapy provides relief from pain for up to twelve months. It is especially effective when used in the initial stages of the disease thereby highlighting the need for timely diagnosis and treatment.

This pioneering study evaluated the efficacy and safety of Synvisc One in - 369 knee-osteoarthritis patients in the age group of 30 years and above across 36 hospitals in 14 different Indian cities.

According to an investigator of the study, Dr. Sarvajeet Pal, Consultant Rheumatologist, Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, “The OASIS study on the effectiveness of single shot Viscosupplementation has for the first time proved the treatment to be effective in reducing knee pain in Indian patients. Till now, patients have been dependent on strong painkillers to gain temporary relief from knee pain. With the success of the OASIS study, patients can now take the path of single shot Viscosupplementation therapy to get pain relief for up to 52 weeks. The treatment has potential cartilage protection effects and helps prevent any drug resistance due to the indiscriminate use of painkillers. Viscosupplementation also comes as a sign of relief for the growing young population suffering from knee osteoarthritis. It allows for early treatment and helps improve the quality of life of these patients."

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Consider the following facts revealed during the course of the 52 week OASIS study:

Results: Out of 394 patients enrolled, 369 patients were evaluated at Week 52. The walking pain significantly decreased as early as Week 1 after the injection and was down by 45.7% at Week 26 and 53.1% at Week 52.

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