
Friday 24 August 2012

Minimising loss during natural calamities: Experts find answers in Vedic sciences

By Syed Akbar
Is it possible to stop cyclones? Modern science and
technological advances may not have the answer. But ancient Indian Vedic
sciences have the solution to virtually all natural calamities including
devastating cyclones, hurricanes or typhoons.
Vedic experts argue that Indian scriptures of  yore are
a mine of scientific information with solutions hidden in religious
“narrations”. They point out that cyclones, whether super or ordinary, can
be stopped by pitting the force of lightning against the force of wind.
“Just create artificial or natural lightning and lo! The cyclone is gone.
It is for the scientists to work out how to create lightning. We have
solutions to all natural problems. But they are buried deep in stories and
narrations in ancient scriptures. All we have to do is to decode it,” says
Vedic expert Dr CV Subrahmanyam.
For instance, he says, the weapon used by Lord Indra in episodes mentioned
in Ramayana and other books is Vajraayudha. Indra kills the demon king
Vrutraasura (who had the force of wind) in one episode and Dithi, the
mother of demon kings Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu, in another narration
mentioned in Ramayana. Dithi had controlled the force of wind. “A
scientific decoding of these episodes tells us that Vayu (wind) could be
controlled through Vajra (lightning),” he explains.
Experts in Vedic sciences Dr VR Panchamukhi, Dr S Sudarshana Sharma, Dr PV
Arunachalam, Dr VLS Bhimasankaram, Dr Pappu Venugopal and Dr Remilla LN
Murthy have done research on Vedic Sciences, and Vedanta and Physics.

“Vedas and Shastras are great repositories of
wisdom and knowledge, a heritage which our great nation proudly posses.
The content of science and technology in Vedas is abundant and the
knowledge is priceless, ageless and relevant to any society, ancient or
modern. The writings of sages on various aspects of universe, its origin,
ambience and evolution remain a source of information and inspiration to
modern world”.
They called upon scientists to take cognizance of Vedic knowledge and create
a bridge between ancient systems of learning and modern methods of
evaluation and application. “Time has come to bridge the essentials of Vedic knowledge with cutting
edge modern scientific knowledge”, says Dr Panchamukhi.

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