
Friday 24 August 2012

Bio-toilets convert human waste into useful gasses

Bio-toilet report

By Syed Akbar
Hyderabad: Ever thought of a toilet that gives you usable water and eco-friendly gasses. 
Thanks to city entrepreneur Namita Banka, Eloo, the bio-toilet, is now a reality. She has 
not only successfully converted the DRDE technology into a usable product, but also 
brought its cost within the reach of many people.

“The Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDE) in Gwalior had developed the 
bio-digester technology. It gave it to several entrepreneurs. But we were the first to 
convert it to usable and convenient application. Our suggested name, Eloo, was also 
accepted by authorities. It is proud moment for entrepreneurs in Andhra Pradesh,” says 
Namita Banka, who heads Banka Enterprises.

She had executed six pilot projects in rural Orissa, where the Central government 
proposes to equip people with 1000 bio-toilets over a 90 km stretch. About Rs 1000 crore 
has been allocated for the bio-toilet project covering 1000 panchayats across the 
country. The toilets are custom made and cost between Rs 15,000 and Rs 18,000 each.

The innovative technology helps degrade and convert human waste into usable water and 
gasses. The generated gas can be used for energy/ cooking and water for irrigation 
purposes. The process involves bacteria, which feed upon the faecal matter inside the 
tank, through anaerobic process, which finally degrades the matter and releases methane 
gas. Methane can be utilised for cooking.

She says the bio-toilet can be used as mobile toilets and in resorts, exhibition grounds, 
remote locations, rural housing, hilly terrain, border areas, high altitude areas, 
islands and beaches where no communal sewer is available. They can function at any 
atmospheric pressure or temperature, from minus 55 to 60 degree C.

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