
Wednesday 1 February 2012

Want to beat the examination stress and score high marks? Practice sudarshan kriya and pranayam every day for three to six weeks before the examination and your examination stress levels will come down considerably

Syed Akbar
Hyderabad: Want to beat the examination stress and score high
marks? Practice sudarshan kriya and pranayam every day for three to
six weeks before the examination and your examination stress levels
will come down considerably.

Yoga researchers have found that regular practice of sudarshan kriya
and pranayam before the annual examination will help in lowering of
total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TGL) and very low density
lipoprotein (VLDL). This will result in reduced stress caused by the
examination fear.

Dr Swapna Subramanian and her team from the department of medical
research, SRM Medical College, collected blood samples of engineering
students before and after the practice of sudarshan kriya and pranayam
during the examination time. Exam stress changes the lipid profile and
blood parameters, which may increase the TC, TGL and VLDL count. The
change in blood composition includes neutrophils, lymphocytes and
platelet count.

Yoga exercises related to sudarshan kriya and pranayam bring back the
blood profile to the normal level and remove the examination stress in
students, particularly when the outcome of the examination affects
their career. “Our results have shown that three and six weeks
practice of sudarshan kriya and pranayam had reduced the elevated
lipid profile, haematological parameters and improved lymphocyte
levels,” she pointed out.

Stress including the one related to examination may cause various
pathological conditions like depression and anxiety. Doctors
increasingly link stress to medical problems like coronary heart
diseases, high blood pressure and even diabetes. Since stress alters
the blood profile, it may also influence the immune system. “Higher
levels of stress may have a negative impact on the students' learning
ability. Excessive stress may result in mental and physical problems
and may cause negative academic, emotional or health outcomes,” the
researchers warned, suggesting that rhythmic breathing techniques like
sudarshan kriya and pranayam will help in removing the elevated stress
levels in students before the final examinations.

The yoga exercises as part of sudarshan kriya and pranayam include
neck roll, shoulder rotation and controlled breathing. Certain asanas
like yoga Nidra are also part of the exam relieving exercises.

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