
Tuesday 18 October 2011

Wakf Board finally decides to issue notices to encroachers

Syed Akbar
Hyderabad, Oct 18: The State Wakf Board has decided to issue notices
to about 200 illegal occupants of Wakf properties as part of its drive
to crack whip against encroachers and illegal constructions.

Wakf Board chairman Ghulam Afzal Biyabani (Khusro Pasha) told
reporters here on Tuesday that the board had identified illegal
constructions on Wakf properties and legal notices would be issued to
the violators. "We will evict encroachers and develop Wakf properties
on build, operate and transfer basis. As many as 10 properties in twin
cities have been identified for construction of multi-storeyed
buildings," he said.

Afzal Biyabani said the board will also issue legal notices to 2162
defaulters who have not been paying rents to the board for many years.
The rent being collected from 300 tenants would be increased. All
these measures will improve the Wakf revenue from the existing Rs 38
lakh to Rs 66.64 lakh.

Referring to the land lying vacant on the north side of the State Haj
House, he said tenders have been invited for construction of a
multi-storeyed building on the site. The board will institute gold
medals in the names of Muslim saints.

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