
Sunday 30 October 2011

Know your human number in the world of seven billion people

Want to know your number in human population. Just click on

Syed Akbar
Hyderabad, Oct 30: As India claims that the seven billionth human
being will born in the country on Monday, the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) has come out with a ready reckoner to tell
individuals what number are they in the seven billion humans on the
earth, and since the advent of the first human being, Homo sapiens.

Want to know where do you fit into this story of human life? Just
fill in your date of birth in the column provided and instantly comes
out your "human" number. To create awareness about population control,
the UNFPA has created a special website,, with
an interactive application, 7 Billion and Me.

It allows users to relate their own personal characteristics - such as
age, sex, date and place of birth, and current residence - to the rest
of the world’s 7 billion people. Individuals will be able to know
answers to questions like "how many people lived on earth the day he
or she was born, how old was he or she when world population reached
five billion, six billion or 7 billion, how old will one be when the
world population reaches eight billion or nine billion, and how many
people have lived before an individual was born".

There are also answers to questions like how many mothers had babies
the day your mother gave birth to you; are you younger or older than
most of the people in your country; and how many residents did your
city have when you were born or when you moved there and how many live
there now?

The calculator is based on the population data estimates by the United
Nations Population Division, United Nations Population Fund, and other
UN bodies like the Global Footprint Network and the International
Telecommunications Union.

Since 1965, the population of the world has more than doubled. For
instance, the population on the earth was 3,348,276,311 as on
September 20, 1965. Since then 5,949,506,870 people have been added to
the world population. During the period there were 2,297,958,349
deaths. Ironically, 909,804 animal species have become extinct during
this time, according to UNFPA statistics.

"Try to imagine this number: On the day you were born, so many people
have ever lived on earth, since the first Homo sapiens. Also, see how
many of these people were still alive the day you were born. Find out
who these people were. Where did these people live? Find out about the
difference in life expectancy for men and women the day you were born
and today. Check out the characteristics of people in your city. How
many residents did your city have when you were born or when you moved
there and how many are there now," UNFPA interactive site points out.

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