
Sunday 17 July 2011

Homa therapy for diabetes, hypertension, alcoholism and infertility

Syed Akbar
Hyderabad: Two dozen people sit before small fire pits and offer select herbs to flames as a swamiji chants hymns from ancient Indian scriptures. While this is a common scene at any yagna, the difference here is that those consigning herbs to the fire are people suffering from different health problems.
With homa or yagna therapy fast gaining momentum in the city, hundreds of patients with chronic and “incurable” diseases are turning to this emerging alternative treatment, which combines time-tested traditions and scientifically-proven herbs. Homa therapy has become so popular in Hyderabad and surrounding areas that even people, who are addicted to alcohol, are trying it as a natural source of de-addiction after modern treatment methods failed to work.
Diabetes, infertility, hypertension, cardiac issues, high blood cholesterol, and skin disorders: Name any health issue and you will find a “natural solution” in the homa therapy. While the basic ingredients used in a homa or yagna remains unchanged, specific herbs are added to the traditional list depending upon the disease or health problem a particular person seeks treatment for. For instance, a childless couple is told to choose herbs that enhance fertility levels. And in the case of a diabetic, the herbs selected are those with antihyperglycemic properties.
“The strategy is three-fold. We use medicinal plants in homa therapy to enable patients inhale the medicated smoke or fumes, give them herbal formulations for oral intake, and recommend a strict diet regime combined with enhanced physical activity. In a way, we are combing the ancient wisdom of our saints and modern knowledge of herbs to treat health problems, which are complicated and difficult to treat only through modern system of medicine,” said Swami Satyaveer of Suvigna Ashramam at Naraspur village in the city outskirts.
Even as increasing number of patients are attracted to homa therapy, Vedic experts like Dr Kuppa Venkata Krishna Murty of the Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas argue that though yagna has its natural benefits on health and environment, whether addition of Ayurvedic herbs to the homa fire will help cure chronic diseases has to be studied scientifically.
“In our research studies, we have however found that yagna has several benefits on human beings and the environment they live in. It affects even plants too by increasing the yields. The traditional ingredients offered to fire in homa help in fighting pollution of mind and body and in the environment. But there has thus far been no scientific study on whether Ayurvedic herbs if included in the homa will help cure diseases,” he points out.
But proponents of homa therapy like Swami Satyaveer, who conducts yagna on regular basis, stick to their claim that the “three pronged strategy” adopted as part of this alternative medical system has indeed its unique health benefits. They produce laboratory reports of patients in support of their claim that blood sugar levels could be brought down through homa therapy, and fertility can be induced in childless couples.
“Homa therapy not only keeps the blood sugar under control in diabetics, but also improves the functioning of the pancreas, which is responsible for insulin production. Regular participation in the therapy stimulates the pancreas to produce effective insulin,” observes Swami Satyaveer.
Though Dr Krishna Murty is skeptical about the efficacy of using Ayurveda herbs in homa fire, he says ancient Indians successfully synchronised chemical sciences and spiritual practices to inculcate pollution-controlling methods in society. “They fought pollution through three methods – combustion, sound energy/music, and plantation of herbs in human habitations,” he adds.
Satish Agarwal (name changed), who underwent homa therapy for infertility, is now blessed with a girl child. “I underwent homa therapy as a last resort after all my efforts in hospitals failed. The therapy worked wonders and we are no more issueless,” he claims with a pride in his eyes.
A book publisher, with uncontrolled blood sugar levels, shows laboratory reports to drive home his point that his diabetes is now under check, while a middle aged man, said to be once addicted to alcohol, claims he got rid of alcoholism thanks to the homa therapy.
The argument, the supporters of yagna benefits put forth, is that burning of special ingredients like cellulose and lingo cellulose at 2500 degrees C to 6000 degrees C by using specified fire woods (Samit) in homa kunda generates carefully designed sequence of chemical reactions, which purify the whole surrounding atmosphere.
On the other hand, they say, combustion of ordinary wood or coal in a haphazard way is hazardous to society, since it releases lots of carbondioxide and carbonmonoxide, other gases like methane and hydrogen, and organic compounds, which are harmful to humans, when they are let out into the atmosphere. Since special firewood is used in a homa kunda the temperature does not cross 6000 degrees C. In ordinary fire or wild burnings, the temperature goes up to 13,000 degrees C.
It is the use of cow ghee, milk, wheat, rice, sugar, honey, dried grapes,Somalata, Brahmi, red sanders, agar etc. in the homa kunda that provides medicinal benefits to patients. Chanting of rhymes or hymns with specific intonations and speeds and the presence of herbs further enhances the health benefits 
that come out of the homa kunda.
“One specialty of Indian thought is that it tries to convert an art into science and a science into an art. They have combined the sciences of sound, light, heat etc and created a ritualistic art called ‘homa’ which was extensively utilised for the  purpose of healing individuals and controlling the atmospheric pollution,” says Dr  Krishna Murty.
According to Vedic experts, studies conducted on the final products of yagna showed the  formation of formaldehyde among other chemicals. Formaldehyde is a powerful antiseptic  substance and thus the process of homa ultimately results in the removal of bacteria and  other harmful organism from the surroundings. Even non-bacterial parasites like  ringworms, lice and fleas as also flies are either killed or driven away by volatile oils  like camphor, which defuse in the environment from a homa kunda.
“The smoke emanating from homa fire acts strongly on the mind and body and thus keep  people healthy. The Vedic chants as also the special herbs used in the fire pit help in  better control and maintenance of the body physiology. On one hand we are targeting  pathogens that cause diseases and on the other we are toning up the physiological functions of the body. Homa therapy, thus meets two important events that keep an individual in good health,” says Swami Satyaveer.
Special herbs used in homa therapy
* Besides traditional ingredients used in a homa kunda since ancient times, practitioners of homa therapy now consign to flames a variety of herbs ranging from sandalwood (sandal) to emblica (amla).

* Herbs used for diabetes treatment include Gymnema sylvestre, Momordica charantia and Glycyrrhiza glabra.

* For infertility treatment the herbs used include Mucuna pruriens, Tribulus terrestris, Saraca asoca and Symplocos racemosa.

* Rauwolfia serpentine, Terminalia arjuna and Tribulus terrestris are used in homa therapy for treatment of hypertension or high blood pressure.

* In case of liver problems Terminalia belerica, Tinospora cordifolia, Eclipta alba etc are consigned to the homa fire.

* Triphala herbs are utilised for treatment of heart ailments

* Herbs used for general health include Balsamodendron mukul, Hemidesmus indicus, Hordeum vulgare, Curcuma zedorea, Caryophyllus aromalicus, Shorea robusta, Valeriana jatamansi, Ocimum sanctum, Myristica fragrans, Pentaptera arjuna, psoralea cordifolia and Tripolium unifolium.

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