
Sunday 3 April 2011

A unique numerological combination has contributed to the victory of Team India in the Cricket World Cup

By Syed Akbar
Hyderabad, April 3: A unique numerological combination has contributed
to the victory of Team India in the Cricket World Cup, says a senior
city Vedic numerologist.

The numerological combination on April 2, 2011 (Saturday) was similar
to the one on June 25, 1983, when India first won the world cup in

According to Vedic numerologist Mudigonda Gopikrushna, the last two
digits excluding millennium in 1983 is 83 and it sums up to 11 (8 +3).
Similarly the last two digits in 2011 are 11. The day was Saturday in
1983. April 2, 2011 was a Saturday.

"The name of the then captain Kapil is 9. The name Sachin also totals
to 9. The total date 25-6-1983 is 7 (destiny number) and this matches
with the destiny number of 2-4-2011. This destiny number also helped
India win over Pakistan on 30-3-2011," he said.

He said though the total of Sri Lanka captain Sangakkara is No. 9, the
Sri Lankan team could not win the cup due to the effect of No. 2
(April 2) and Saturday. The No. 2 is the enemy of Sri Lanka.

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