
Saturday 30 April 2011

attack on MIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi: The old rivalry between MIM and MBT

By Syed Akbar
Hyderabad, April 30: The murderous assault on MIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi is seen as an attempt to check the party's growing dominance in the old city politics. It also opens the old political wounds of the MIM-MBT rivalry that dates back to mid 1990s.
The MIM has not only increased its representation in the State Assembly from five to seven but also emerged as the champion of social causes like fighting against the growing menace of call money and land mafia.
The Majlis, under the leadership of young Owaisis, had rejected the dominance of unscrupulous pahelwans or free-style wrestlers, who were troubling people through land grab, lending money on high interest rates, and
collecting "mamools" from commoners building their houses. The pahelwans, who once called the shots, had been cut to size by denying them political support. This has angered some of the pahelwans, forcing them to
shift their political loyalty to rival MBT. Akbaruddin had openly fought against illegal encroachments on government lands and distributed them among the poor.
The party in a way took up reformation of the pahelwans telling them point blank that what matters in electoral politics is "mass power" and not "muscle power". Growing literacy levels among old city residents and increase in political awareness are said to have forced the MIM to dump anti-social pahelwans.
Mohammad Bin Omer Al-Yafai, who allegedly masterminded the Saturday's attack, is a pahelwan, who once supported the MIM. He and other pahelwans in his family had shifted base to the MBT in the last Assembly elections. The pahelwans supporting Al-Yafai have been running a bitter feud with the MIM leadership, particularly Akbaruddin Owaisi as he had vacated their encroachments.
The presence of MBT corporator Amjadullah Khan and a large number of party supporters at Yashoda hospital, where the injured Al-Yafai family members were undergoing treatment, gave credence to the argument that the attack was an attempt to checkmate the MIM from further expanding in the old city.
Call money rackets are run by unscrupulous pahelwans in the lanes and bylanes of old city. They lend money to petty vendors in the morning and charge between 10 and 20 per cent interest by the night. Those who could not pay are pulled out of their houses and beaten in full public view. Call money menace has grown to such high proportions that the Muslim clergy has to intervene declaring it as illegal. The MIM took up the cause of call money victims in its new avatar as socio-political reformer of the local Muslim society, thereby winning over the electorate.


  1. Sir,

    I belong to the same by-lanes these people run their daily businesses in, the point here is, both the parties involved here are equally guilty, I do not support what happened with Mr Akbar Owaisi, in the same breath I do not sympathise or agree with his ideologies or their propaganda, the legislative members and corp-orators of MIM have been grabbing land and converting them into residential colonies and properties for ages, what happened a few days ago is the norm of the day in our localities, unfortunately the people who get killed or murdered are just not as famous as Mr. Owaisi, if someone does manage to raise their voice against these people, then you are an enemy of the so called MILLAT and your women become are verbally abused and insulted in their speeches that follow, or do expect a visit from their goons and followers. The educated intellect of our society Shrugs it off, thanks to our lazy attitude, what happened to Mr Owaisi was unfortunate and should be condemned to the highest degree, but their actions speak otherwise. A prayer is what we have on our lips, hoping the almighty shows them the right path, for if this continues, we have no one else but ourselves to blame.

    Moosa Bowli, Hyderabad
