
Wednesday 16 March 2011

Kamala: Mallotus philippinensis controls tuberculosis activity

By Syed Akbar
Kamala or Mallotus philippinensis is widely used in Ayurveda and Unani for treatment of stomach-related problems and skin diseases. Its main action has been found against tuberculosis and leprosy sores.
Kamala is also called monkey face tree and some herbal doctors recommend it as an appetiser. The leaves are considered as natural coolant.
Though no scientific records exist, herbalists argue that Kamala is a good aphrodisiac and fights infertility. The fruit is found to possess certain natural chemicals which kill worms in the intestines and keeps
the digestive system free of helminth parasites. Other medicinal properties of Kamala include relief from constipation, flatulence, spleen enlargement and cough.
Often it is prescribed for treatment of gastric ulcers and skin diseases, particularly leprosy. Research studies have shown that Kamala is capable of killing bacteria like Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and even Salmonella typhi. It is not recommended for young women as it prevents pregnancy. Also, it should not be taken by those suffering from appendicitis.
Home remedies
Kamala powder is readily available in herbal stores. It can also be prepared at home from Kamala fruit. It provides relief from tuberculosis and sores caused by leprosy. But one has to take extreme caution as Kamala in higher doses causes severe nausea and vomiting.
Crushed leaves and bark of Kamala are advised for skin problems including wounds and cuts.
Kamala contains a chemical called rottlerin, which is a known anti- filarial agent. Those diagnosed with filaria may try Kamala preparations sold in herbal stores.
Organic extract available in herbal stores is often prescribed to kill the pathogen that causes TB.
Oil obtained from Kamala is often mixed with hair oil for cosmetic purpose.

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