
Sunday 19 December 2010

Cinnamomum camphora: Camphor or Kapoor fights eczema effectively

By Syed Akbar

Cinnamomum camphora is a tree native to Asia where it is used in a variety of ways - from religious rituals to aroma therapy, and killing insects and moths to fighting skin diseases. As the tree's scientific name suggests,
Cinnamomum camphora yields a crystalline aromatic substance called camphor.

Camphor, Karpoor or Kapoor finds its way in Ayurvedic medicines from times immemorial. Even multinational pharma companies that manufacture allopathic drugs use camphor in medicines meant for treating common cold and body aches, and as an antiseptic substance, and in cough syrups.

Camphor can be used both in its crystalline form and as an essential oil. But utmost caution should be taken while using raw camphor or camphor oil at home. If taken in excessive quantities, camphor oil may prove dangerous to health.

Research studies have shown that camphor has medicinal properties to fight skin ailments, particularly eczema. It also provides relief from itching and rashes. Since it has anti-septic properties, camphor can heal wounds fast, killing harmful germs.
Home remedies
Camphor has been found to be most effective in providing relief from common cold, nasal blockade, congestion of lungs, and uncontrolled sneezing. Take a few drops of camphor oil and pour it on a piece of clean cloth or handkerchief. Inhale the vapours for relief from common cold including headache. It is regarded as a good expectorant too.

For quick healing of wounds and cuts, apply a paste of camphor powder and ghee to the affected area. It aids in quick healing.

Those suffering from eczema may try camphor ointment for relief from itching. Apply a little of camphor oil or camphor ointment available in the market to the affected portion.

Camphor is often prescribed for relief from joint pains. Take a little quantity of camphor and add it to a few drops of til (sesame) oil. Gently rub it against the affected parts of the body.

A few drops of camphor oil can be added to bathing water to keep the body free of bacteria, fungus and viruses.

Herbal doctors prescribe camphor oil for pimples and acne. Apply a little quantity of camphor oil to the affected area.

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