
Monday 9 August 2010

Sita-Ashoka controls excessive bleeding in women

Syed Akbar
Sita-Ashoka or true Ashoka is a highly revered tree in Indian traditions. It has been associated with the Ramayana and the life of Goutam Buddha. Ayurveda and Unani practitioners regard it as a miracle tree for women, since most of its medicinal properties solve many gynaecological issues.
Here is a word of caution. Sita-Ashoka, scientifically called Saraca indica or Saraca asoca, is a true Ashoka tree mentioned in the ancient Indian, Arab and Greek medical texts. It should not be confused with the false Ashoka tree (Polyalthia longifolia) largely grown in parks and on road dividers in cities. The true Ashoka is a small tree while the false Ashoka grows much taller.
Though the medicinal properties of Sita-Ashoka have been known for ages, it’s only recently that they have been scientifically validated. Its leaves, bark and flowers are used in traditional systems of medicine in several parts of the world. Its properties include fighting tumours, excessive or irregular bleeding in women during monthly cycles or bleeding resulting from fibroids in uterus, and controlling infections.
According to a recent study by Dr P Pradhan and others from Rajasthan, Saraca is capable of killing different organisms such as Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhosa, Staphylococcus aureus, (plant pathogen) and Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
The team found that the anticancer principle from Saraca flowers indicated 50 per cent cytotoxicity (in vitro), with no activity against normal lymphocytes but preferential activity for lymphocytes derived from leukemia patients.
Quick remedies
Readymade Ashoka extracts and tonics are available in the market, but before purchase one should make it sure that they are not adulterated with derivatives from false Ashoka tree.
Women with the problem of irregular or excessive bleeding may try the decoction obtained from the bark of Ashoka. The decoction should be prepared fresh everyday before consuming. It should be taken during the periods to check excessive loss of blood. Herbalists generally suggest that along with water a little quantity of milk can be used to obtain decoction from the bark. A teaspoon may be taken twice daily.
Dysentery is often accompanied by blood. Those who notice blood may try the Ashoka bark decoction. They may also try the dried flowers of Ashoka.Herbal medicine practitioners also recommend Ashoka dried flowers for diabetics to maintain their blood sugar levels within the prescribed limits.
More importantly, Ashoka extracts are sold as “female tonic” to keep the women reproductive system in healthy condition.
The decoction of Saraca bark is also used in treating bleeding piles.

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