
Sunday 15 August 2010

Peepal relieves mumps pain

By Syed Akbar
Peepal has always played a key role in the religious history of India. It is considered holy by Hindus and Buddhists. It was under the Peepal tree, popularly known as the Bodh tree, that Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment. Peepal is also called the holy fig and Buddhists recognise it as Bo tree.
Apart from its religious significance, Peepal has been used in traditional systems of medicine for more than 2000 years. In fact this tree was associated with the Indus Valley civilization. The leaves and fruits of Peepal are extensively used by Ayurveda and Unani practitioners to prepare a number of medicines for problems ranging from simple boils to the control of heart beat and from treating mumps to fighting water loss due to diarrhea.
Peepal is also recommended as a general health tonic. It is considered good particularly for those suffering from constipation. Often Peepal formulations are prescribed for jaundice, to control bleeding, to arrest nocturnal emission, and relief from general body pain caused by inflammation or swelling.
Readymade herbal formulations of Peepal tree are available in the market for those who do not have the time and energy to collect its leaves or fruits and prepare medicine at home. One has to be extra cautious about the genuineness of the Peepal formulations sold in the market.  Always be moderate in taking the medicine as any excess intake may lead to health complications.
Home remedies
If you have troubled bowels and often suffer from constipation, you may take a few Peepal leaves, clean them and dry them. One you obtain dried Peepal leaves, make them into powder. Take a small piece of jaggery and mix it with the leaf powder. Take a small portion of the Peepal-jaggery preparation and see the results.
Mumps are rare now thanks to universal vaccination. And yet some people suffer from this highly painful problem. Peepal is a handy and readily available treatment for relief from the pain and swelling caused by mumps. Take a couple of Peepal leaves; apply a thin layer of ghee on them. Put the leaves near a flame for them to become tender. Then apply the leaves on the affected portion.
Ayurveda and Unani practitioners recommend Peepal decoction for jaundice. This home therapy is quite simple and easy. Take a small piece of Peepal bark. Wash it properly and then put it in a glass of water for about eight hours. Filter the water and consume it.

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