
Monday 26 July 2010

Guduchi kills cancer cells

By Syed Akbar
Tinospora cordifolia, popularly known as Guduchi or Amrit, has been in use in traditional systems of medicine for almost 4,000 years. Ayurveda regards Guduchi as a wonder herb, and thus the name Amrit or
nectar. A number of research studies have been conducted on the medicinal properties of Tinospora and all of
them confirm that it is useful in controlling diabetes, inflammation, arthritis, various allergies, stress and
malarial fevers.
It has also been hailed as a general tonic thanks to its anti-oxidant and anti-stress  properties. Guduchi protects the liver from malfunctions and infections and keeps it functioning well. Ayurveda  practitioners often prescribe Guduchi for stomach pain, and as a blood purifier.
Ayurveda and Unani formulations for fever and urinary problems include Guduchi as one of  the important
ingredients. The stem of Guduchi as also its roots find their way in these formulations.  The leaves are also often used.
Some practitioners claim that Guduchi has special properties that control the growth of a  number of cancers. The treatment varies from one month to six months. The root extract is given to people bitten  by snake or scorpion. As an external herbal application, Guduchi is recommended for skin diseases including filariasis.
However, as is the case with several herbs, Guduchi is not recommended for people with liver and kidney problems, pregnant women and small children. It's better these sections of people avoid Guduchi or its herbal formulations, though it has been hailed as one of the important rasayanas (rejuvenators) mentioned in
ancient Ayurveda texts.
Quick remedies
Guduchi is often considered as the best natural ointment to treat wounds filled with pus. Paste prepared from the Guduchi leaves can be applied externally to treat skin problems.
Oil obtained from Guduchi can be applied on the skin to reduce body pains, particularly those caused by arthritis.
Gently rub the oil on the affected portion and feel the relief within minutes.
For women suffering from endometrial cancer, Ayurveda doctors recommend Guduchi drink twice a day. Take a tablespoon of Guduchi powder and mix it in a small glass of water. Boil it, cool the mixture and filter it. The Guduchi drink is ready for consumption.
Diabetics may also try Guduchi decoction obtained from its stem. But here is a word of  caution. Take it in a small quantity as heavy doses could lower blood sugar levels and cause complications. Take a  few pieces of Guduchi stem and wash them thoroughly. Boil the pieces in a glass of water, filter the extract and preserve it in a clean and neat bottle. Consume two tablespoons of Guduchi decoction twice every day.

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