
Thursday 11 March 2010

Herbal cure: Tulasi, the incomparable one

By Syed Akbar
Headache, cough and cold, worms in the stomach, skin infection, hypertension, diabetes and ulcers. If you
are suffering from any or all of these health problems and do not want to take chemical or synthetic drugs,
Tulasi is the best herbal and natural option. It is a good muscle relaxant.
Tulasi leaves, stems, flowers and seeds contain a variety of medicinal properties now proved by scientific
studies. It is an anti-oxidant and fights cancers. Not many know that Tulasi can also be used as a
contraceptive, to control birth rate. Studies show that Tulasi extracts, when used for about two months,
reduce sperm count, serving as a natural birth control source.
Tulasi, as the name in Sanskrit suggests, is "incomparable". Indeed, it is a herb with incomparable medicinal properties. The most common property of Tulasi is its ability to fight pain. It is analgesic and recent studies on alcoholic extract of Tulasi leaves showed that the herb provides relief from headaches. It is a wound-healer too, thanks to its anti-septic properties.
Tulasi extracts have been found to fight against helminths (parasitic worms), virus, fungi, bacteria (like
Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas), diabetes, inflammation, cataract, stress and memory loss. Tulasi derives
its medicinal properties because of the presence of several natural chemicals including oleanolic acid,
eugenol, rosmarinic acid, linalool, apigenin and ursolic acid.
This wonder herb, widely used in traditional medicines, particularly Ayurveda, for thousands of years,
improves the functioning of liver, brain and other vital organs.

Quick remedies

Joint pains: Crush 10 grams of Tulasi leaves to extract its essence. Add 10 grams of ginger extract and
consume the mixture.
Vomiting: Take a tablespoon of Tulasi seeds and wash them. Mix the seeds in honey and consume. It works
well as anti-emetic in children.
De-worming: Prepare 25 grams of Tulasi extract and mix it with 2 grams of black salt. Consume it once
daily for four days to get relief from parasitic worms and related problems.
Sore throat: Boil 10 grams of Tulasi leaves in 500 ml of water. Cool it and gargle for quick relief.

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