
Friday 12 March 2010

Health Quiz: Dental health and hygiene

By Syed Akbar
This simple quiz will help you know how well informed you are about your teeth and dental hygiene. Each right answer fetches you 10 points.Excellent, if your score is 80 and above, good if it is between 60 and
80, average if it is 40 and 60, and bad if the points earned are below 40. Get ready to take the test.
1. Human teeth are made for
a) tearing b) cutting c) chewing d) all the above
2) Your teeth contains a substance, which is the hardest material in the body
a) dentine b) enamel c) pulp d) calcium
3) The ideal way to keep the teeth in good health is to brush
a) thrice a day b) everytime you eat c) before going to bed d) twice a day
4) Brushing teeth hard several times a day will cause
a) injury and damage to gums b) whitening of teeth c) kill bacteria d) none
5) Teeth are of two types, milk teeth and permanent teeth. An adult human being generally contains
a) 30 teeth b) 32 teeth c) 36 teeth d) 34 teeth
6) How many sets of teeth do we have
a) four -- incisors, canines, molars and premolars b) three -- incisors, molars and premolars c) two -- canines and molars d) five -- mandibles, premolars, molars, incisors and canines
7) Children are often warned against eating too many sweets. Do sweets really contribute to tooth decay and gum diseases?
a) Yes, because bacteria present in the mouth convert sugar into acid, thus damaging the teeth b) No, sweets are good for teeth as glucose present in sugar strengthens them
8) What causes bad breath?
a) Large accumulation of saliva b) Unhealthy stomach c) Release of foul smelling digestive gases d) Presence of bacteria in the mouth which release various sulphur gases
9) What is dental plaque?
a) fluoride b) calcium c) thin coating of bacteria and food particles d) coating of dentine and enamel
10) What type of foods prevent dental problems?
a) Bubble gum b) chewing of raw fruits and vegetables c) cocoa d) potato and carrot
1) a 2) b 3) d 4) a 5) b 6) a 7) a d 9) c 10) b

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