
Thursday 1 January 2009

Indian Laws - IV : Weird Rules In India

By Syed Akbar

Weird Rules

Several countries including the advanced nations have weird laws. But
India does not have any funny or weird laws. However, most of its laws
are archaic.

There are a few weird Rules which India still follows.

According to eminent lawyer Dr Kadambi Lakshminarasimha, in
Indian Airforce, a pilot is selected based on the height of his legs. The
total length of an aspiring pilot in Indian Airforce should be 90 cm
from hip to toe. Even if he is six feet tall but does not meet the
specified 90 cm leg length, he is not qualified for the post.

In Andhra Pradesh recruitment to the post of a motor vehicle inspector
is based on several physical fitness tests. One of them is good teeth.
Those with a tooth decay are not eligible for the post. One wonders
how decayed teeth will hamper the duties of the motor vehicle
inspector whose primary duty is to check vehicles and not taste food.

The Maratha Regiment of Indian Army has a special tradition. It
recruits only Marathas those living in Marathwada. Maharashtrians are
not eligible if they do not come from the Marathwada region.

Usage of knives during combat is prohibited in Indian Army. Whereas
in Naga regiment a special exemption is given to the Nagas to use their
traditional knives.

In Central Excise department, the post of inspector is barred for those
suffering from colour blindness.


  1. The first law is not really funny or weird or anything. That law is actually quite reasonable and essential. In the plane's cockpit, some control are operated using their legs. Just imagine if the pilot cannot reach those control due to his short legs.

  2. I don't agree with the first comment. If a person is 6 foot tall, then he/she can obviously reach the controls in a plane.
    I understand having a height restriction but basing it on leg length is very strange in my opinion!
