
Sunday 2 November 2008

The Truth About Organic Foods

November 2, 2008
By Syed Akbar
Organic foods are the in-thing. Food stuff labeled “organic food” is found in almost all supermarkets and big retail stores in India. Organic food, of course, is not new to an agricultural nation like India. Our forefathers had grown fruits, vegetables and Foodgrains using the organic methods i.e. cow dung as fertilizer and neem extract as natural herbicide and pesticide. Organic foods are also free from genetic modification.
With lifestyle and food-related diseases on the increase the world over, a large number of people now prefer organic foods. Organic food is one in which no chemical fertiliser or pesticide is used. Moreover, there are no additives or artificial ripeners.
But the big question that continues to rack the brains of common consumers is how organic the so-called organic food items are. The best bet is to buy the product from a reputed supermarket chain or manufacturer. Of course, there are several tests which will prove whether a product is organic or not.
For instance, an apple grown from conventional method of horticulture contains as many as 30 pesticides and chemicals. If these are absent from an apple, then it is really organic

1 comment:

  1. We live in the world that’s so enamored by this skewed perception of beauty. A world where the media portrays “beauty” as something that has lost almost all sense of the word itself. This sad reality has pushed millions of people worldwide to go on crash diets and unhealthy lifestyles just because of what they see on TV, hear on the news or watch in the movies… Thankfully, we’re also slowly starting to come to our senses and among the more recent wave of wave in those that are conscious about their health are those that are shifting to organic food supplements.
