
Sunday 9 December 2007

Glimpses of Indian sciences in pre-Adi Sankara period

By Syed Akbar
Hyderabad, Dec 9: Vedic experts and scientists from around the
country will converge on the city on December 14 to discuss and
unravel the Indian scientific heritage of remote historical periods,
which the modern science is yet to comprehend.
The experts will highlight, at the first international conference on
"Indian Sciences in the Pre-Adi Sankara Period", the "hidden scientific
meanings" of common verses of Vedas and Puranas while giving a new
interpretation to the ancient publications by Aryabhata, Varahamihira
and Parasara.
"Unfortunately we have thus far been concentrating only on the
metaphorical and philosophical aspects of the rich content in the
ancient Indian Scriptures. But there's more to the verses than mere
philosophical connotations. For instance, the term Shakti has been
translated as Supreme Being. In a real scientific term it means power,
the atomic, sub-atomic and nuclear energy," says Prof KV Krishna
Murthy of Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas.
He said experts were working only on popularly available scientific
treatises of India such a Brihat Samhitha and Krishi Prasaram. But they
are not concentrating on the remote periods of history. The
international seminar will throw more light on the Pre-Adi Sankara
period in a bid to drive the attention of intellectuals towards the
scientific achievements, roughly before 2000 years.
The Vedic experts will also present their studies on rare records and
evidences of the pre-Christ period which show that a medical system
other than Ayurveda was prevalent. The medical system was based on
"Atharvana Sastra" and it was quite different from the present-day
system of Ayurveda.
The studies also showed that the ancient Indian science was not
constant and was changing with time between the pre-Vedic and Vedic
and Puranic periods. "We will make a live demonstration of the modern
application of ancient scholar Panini's grammar of Sanskrit dating back
to 3rd century BC. His treatise is best suited to modern computing
problems and the best available software for computers. It is useful to
solve several unsolved computer problems," Murthy said.

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