
Friday 15 December 2006

No scope for reservations for minorities in the Defence Services

Syed Akbar
Hyderabad, Dec 15: Chief of Army Staff General JJ Singh on Friday said 
there was no scope for reservations for minorities in the Defence Services.
"The armed forces have always been going for merit. We need people of the 
highest efficiency. The recruitment is purely on merit basis and there is no 
scope for quota for any section of society," Gen Singh observed.
Interacting with reporters after reviewing the passing out parade at the Air 
Force Academy at Dindigul here, Gen Singh pointed out the Indian Army 
had taken several measures to check increasing incidents of fragging and 
suicide. "Every life is precious. We are concerned over this and have taken 
all possible measures in this regard", he observed.
Gen Singh pointed out there were several factors behind fratricide and 
suicide. "They are partly professional, partly personal and party socio-
economic. We are analysing each and every case and taking corrective 
measures. Such measures are being institutionalised," he said.
There have been as many as 400 incidents of fragging and suicide in the 
Indian armed forces during the past four years. This works out to about 100 
cases per year.
Asked about the brain drain in the Armed forces, Gen JJ Singh felt the 
shortage of qualified personnel would be over come in the next few years. 
"All our academies are full. Always we have a large number of volunteers 
ready to join as ranks and officers. There is heavy demand for officers. We 
do not want to make up the deficiency by lowering the standards. We need 
efficient people and we will make up the shortage in a few years," Gen Singh 
To a question on why women are not preferring army, Gen Singh said 
women had always been part of the Indian Army. "We have taken several 
measures in this regard. Women's training is same as that of short 
commissioned course," he observed.
He said "Air Power had revolutionised all other forms of warfare, and it had 
itself undergone profound changes with ever accelerating advances in 
technology. the present decade is likely to see even more dramatic changes in 
weapons technology - very nature of warfare," Gen Singh said.
He denied reports that there was no synergy between the three branches of 
Armed forces.

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