
Tuesday 25 July 2006

Da Vinci Code: It's Internet Virus On The Prowl

July 25, 2006
By Syed Akbar
Hyderabad: It’s been confirmed — The Da Vinci Code is bad for you. The virus, that is. A computer bug bearing the controversial film’s name has affected dozens of mobile phones and laptops in the city.
The virus, which spreads via wireless Bluetooth technology, causes a message to pop
up on Bluetooth devices: ‘Receive message via Bluetooth from Da Vinci Code?’ Once a
curious mobile phone user accepts the message, the virus enters the system and
destroys the phone’s data.
A picture depicting an eye and a cross appears on the desktop and phone’s gallery.
Mridul Sharma (32), an operations manager at an event management firm, received the
virus during a corporate presentation a few days ago. “The Da Vinci Code name
actually excited me. I assumed the file was either an MMS clipping or a still and
accepted it.
My entire system collapsed and data was deleted. I had just bought my Nokia N91
handset worth Rs 31,000 and had to pay Rs 1,500 to format my mobile hard disk and
reload the software,” said Sharma.
"I received the virus on my laptop and phone. Apparently my Bluetooth device was
active. The technician who repaired my phone told me this was a common virus, which
had simply been renamed The Da Vinci Code to attract the users,” said 35-year-old
Sanjay Menon.
Abhishek Datta, a software expert, said, “Once a phone is affected, formatting is
the only option. You cannot retrieve your data.”
Seems that "Da Vinci Code" really a good naming for mobile viruses for now as this
movie quite prestigious in "Cinema Heat"!
Will we have "Mutant-X", "Mission Impossible 3" etc as mobile phone viruses in the
future? Let see how creative are those nasty creator then!


1. An anti-virus with REAL TIME PROTECTION will provide you with tight security.
2. Turn your bluetooth detection mode in "Hidden" or "Invisible" mode or just switch
it off if it's not necessary.
3. Never try to install an unknown file and proceed to the installation step.
4. Backup your data from time to time just in case...
5. Please beware of any MMS that come with *.SIS file attachment. Delete it if it's
quite suspicious.
That's so simple to keep your phone infected by this similar mobile phone virus.

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