
Friday 17 October 2003

Feeling tired during Ramzan fast? Take this special herbal powder during saher to beat fatigue

By Syed Akbar
Hyderabad, Oct 17: Feeling tired during the Ramzan fast? Take just two doses of five grams of a special Ramzan herbal powder and your fasting during this holy month will turn into a pleasant experience.
A city-based Unani expert has come out, for the first time in the country, with an energy rejuvenation herbal formula based on time-tested Islamic medical traditions. Called "Dawa-e-Tajdeed-e-Energy", the Ramzan medicine is a formulation of 12 different herbs in power form. It has to be taken with milk or ripe dates before Sahar and after Iftar to keep the physiological functions of the body in good condition.
The medicine is available free of cost for the devout from October 18 at Wasaey Darul Sahat in Yakutpura Darwaza of old city. It is also sent by courier to people outside the city.
Many people who fast during Ramzan complain of general weakness, backaches, bad breath, cankers, cold virus, blackouts, diarrhoea, headaches, muscle tightness, nausea, skin disturbances, nervousness and tiredness. The problems compound after 10 or 20 days of fasting as the body starts cleaning up the toxins accumulated during the year. The medicine also helps in controlling bad breath during fasting.
Says Hakeem Wasaey Mohani, "the medicine functions like a multi-vitamin tablet. It improves blood circulation, aids in digestion, controls blood pressure and gives mental agility. Those who take the medicine do not feel tired during the past. It is specially meant for the aged, women and those suffering from minor physiological disorders".
The most common problem reported by those on fast is backache. Back pain can increase due to toxins in the lower intestine. Blood vessels that draw nutrients from the colon are very close to the nerves of the spine.
He told this correspondent that one of the herbs used in the formulation helps in controlling cankers. It cleans the toxic build-up in the mouth by removing the bacterial growth between the teeth. In persons on fast, the tongue becomes coated with waste resulting in cankers and loss of appetite.
Stating that during fasting the body conserves energy with the heart pumping slower, Hakeem Wasaey points out that standing or moving quickly from a resting position will cause the blood to flow to the legs, causing blackouts and dizziness.
"When waste is released too quickly by the lymph glands some of the toxic overload is taken by the liver and secreted with bile into the stomach. This causes nausea. The Ramzan medicine will dilute the bile and toxin mixture, helping to flush it from the system," he explains.
Those on fast also suffer from the problem of ketones, an intermediary metabolic product that may accumulate in the blood to high levels and cause ketoacidosis. Combined with high levels of urea, resulting from protein metabolism, this state can cause intense discomfort, headaches, back pain, dizziness, weakness and nausea in a person on fast.